Redemption Hill Church

We're a reformed church in the city of Trivandrum.

With a view to the redemption of God's own possession to the praise of His glory!
- Ephesians 1:14

The local church is indispensable to the life of a Christian

God created us to thrive in community, not to journey alone. Jesus created the church and authorised it to pronounce the gospel of His salvation, to oversee the discipleship of His children, to raise and affirm gospel leaders and to expose false teachers. A healthy church is indispensable to the spiritual growth of God’s elect, and Christ will soon return for His bride.
As a church, we are committed to

  • Expository Preaching
  • Sufficiency, Inerrancy & Infallibility of Scripture
  • Church Membership
  • Evangelism and Missions
  • Discipleship
  • Biblical Theology & Doctrine

Listen to our sermons


The Scribe of the Kingdom

Scribes were learned men of Jewish law. Not only do the Spirit-appointed teachers and preachers…

Sermon – Radical Joy

The beatitudes in Matthew 5 describes the new life that a genuine Christian possesses. But…

Sermon – Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness (Part 1)

Matthew 5:6 - Today we look at the the fourth beatitude in Matthew chapter 5.We…
The Curious Case of Radical Faith
Our New Resurrection Life In Christ Lived Out In The Family
The Glory & Hospitality Of Christ
The Lord’s Prayer – Part 3 (Your Kingdom Come)
The Spirit of Prophecy
Faithless & Twisted

Weekly Events

Worship Services

Every Sunday starting at 10:30am IST. Click to Join.

Men’s Fellowship

On Wednesdays at 7:30pm IST. Click to Join.

Women’s Fellowship

Fridays at 7:45pm IST. Click to Join.

RedHill Talks

Certain Saturdays at 7:30pm IST.

The Cross Purpose

We partner with The Cross Purpose to promote Gospel Centred Resources. Check out the podcasts, articles and other resources at

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