AudioBible Byte September 14, 2018 Bible Byte – Unworthy Paul did not count his life as worth anything but only that he may run… Michael Teddy Fernandez 0 Love0
ArticlesPrayerSpiritual Disciplines September 6, 2018 Fighting Prayerlessness Have you ever found it difficult to sustain your daily commitment to personal prayer and devotion? I know I have, and I know, from the majority of Christians that I… Michael Teddy Fernandez 0 Love253
ArticlesGospelTheology September 5, 2018 What is the true Gospel? We live in a time when the question that needs to be asked of every… Michael Teddy Fernandez 0 Love20
ArticlesChurch September 3, 2018 Why Start Redemption Hill Church ? How are we different from any other church in the city? Michael Teddy Fernandez 1 Love379
ArticlesGospelTestimonies July 26, 2015 Turning 25 And Only Scratching The Surface Twenty-Five has come both slow and fast for me, like riding a bicycle. Michael Teddy Fernandez 0 Love3368