T here is a light revealed in the past

Unseen to man, lingers to be found.

The search for enlightenment ensue

And the lure of darkness forever pursue

Though great and small lights of this world are a wonder

The blink of an eye, their magnificence plunder


There is a light revealed in the past

Unseen to man, lingers to be found.

If this be true or a tale of the age

The human thought or will, can never gauge 

Though many ears hear and many mouths confess

True faith is awakened in the heart that truly repents 


There is a light revealed in the past

Unseen to man, lingers to be found.

This light that has no end

Darkness nor power exist, that can defend

A light so bright, not one shadow be cast

Against this truth, not one will last

There is a light revealed in the past

Unseen to man, lingers to be found.

Oh what joy it is to be enlightened

When in the abyss of darkness, we’re frightened

To behold the light and realize we are bound

Not to find but to be found 

For those He predestined, He called, He justified 

A whisper into dark lost souls, “Let there be Light!” 


This the good news of the Gospel of Christ

Christ, the light that justice had priced

The cost of our ransom from death to life

The Messiah paid through death and life

Raised to the right hand at the Father’s throne

Worship and glory the Saviour alone


Christ, the light revealed in the past

Unseen to man, lingers to be found.

All who believe in Him shall not perish

And to believe in truth is to be men that relish

God with heart, with mind and might to gain

The gift of life in those born-again


He is found by those He found

By will to choose to Him be bound

With fear and trembling, we work thus

Conformed to Christ who dwells in us 

By the Spirit who kindles the flame 

In our hearts, to make us lights for His fame


The day will come when darkness be cast

On the flames of wrath for treacheries past

Tears the eye no longer bears

As praise arise from the mouths of heirs

Lay down the crowns upon each head

Behold the Prince whose blood was shed


And eternity will be too short 

To gaze upon the beauty of God

Then every heart will be assured

“All things worked for my good”

There is a light revealed in the past

Unseen to man, lingers to be found.

The light that saved us from our sin

Will flame within us forever therein.

Michael Teddy Fernandez

Author Michael Teddy Fernandez

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